Thursday, April 10, 2008

TIme to start the April bag

April is rushing by and I have been pondering what bag to begin next. Since April is often linked with Paris, as in "April in Paris" I decded to begin a Paris celebration bag for my cousin Cheri. Cheri was conceived in Paris and has always loved that city. She spent time there during college and has been longing to go back. Last fall at a cousins gathering, Cheri responded to my plea to find someone to travel to Paris with me this May, I am so grateful she agreed to be my traveling companion, so I want to make her a quilted Paris bag. I am using Provencal fabrics purchased from a Paris quilt shop, Le Rouvray. Shari picked the colors and seleted these from my collection. I am going to use the deep orange and sunflower fabric for the outside of the bag and the yllow/orange fabric for the inside. I have some yellow cotton webbing I may use for the straps. I also have a big yellow flower button I can use to close the bag.

I am not going to piece this bag, just quilt it. I will quilt the outer fabric to batting. Then line it with the inner fabric. It will be a large squarish tote, big enough to carry a notebook to meetings (in the hopes Cheri is elected to her local school board, next month).

Even if she isn't elected,I am sure she will be able to find plenty of things to fill this bag.

1 comment:

Chili said...

The fabric colors have me dreaming of warmer weather, sitting outside and enjoying a glass of wine, hit the mark for a Provencal inspired bag!