Monday, February 4, 2008

Two more gifts added to the frist bag

After I thought I was done with the first bag and filled it with gifts for Paula, I thought of two more things I wanted to add. I decided to add a photograph and something to do wtih music. So I ordered a copy of a nice photo of Paula and Harlan, framed by a gorgeious sunset in Mexico, and I will put that in a small, blue cermamic picture frame from Mexico. I also burend a CD (my first!) with some of my favorite Irish songs because Paula and Harlan are going to Ireland for their honeymoon, and becuase I LOVE Irish music. That CD is now in the bag as well.
So now I can move on to my next bag.
While I was walking around Lake Harreit with my dear friend Karhtyrn on Saturday I told her about this project. She told me that the Early Childhood Program she directs is having a silent auction fundraiser in April. That seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to make a bag and donate it to a non profit group for fundraising purposes. I am going to dedicate the bag to Kathryn, use Mexcian materials in making it (becuase we have enjoyed spending time together in PuertoVallarta with our familes) and will fill it with Mexcian themed gifts. More on that to come.
I am also going to make a bag for my cousin Cheri who is traveling to Paris with me in May. WE have already been discussing this bag and I plan to use red and gold fabrics from my Provence collection. Today my daughter Rebecca asked me to make a bag for her and write about it on the blog. When she is home in March we will pick out fabrics together and discuss size and style. So I have one bag done, and three in the works. I think I will make the bag for Kathryn second, then Cheri, then Rebecca. And I am sure new ideas and prospects for giving away bags will continue to present themselves!

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